Is there an issue with your ignition key? Do you need a key extracted from your ignition? California Keys Locksmith can help. We offer all the services that you need. Our team is skilled and can do just about anything.
No matter if you have a truck, car, or motorcycle, we can help. Our services include:
We can help with your ignition repair. The best part is that it can be done in no time at all. If you have a new or old car that needs ignition repair, California Keys Locksmith can help. We have many different types of ignition switches in hand. We can even re-key your ignition switch so that you can use the same key in your door and ignition. Plus we can re-key your locks if you lost your key or your ex-took you keys.
Keys stuck in the ignition
Sometimes keys will get stuck in the ignition. This can be a major issue if you are trying to go somewhere. You don’t want to be late for work because your ignition key is stuck. California Keys Locksmith can help, no matter what time of the day it is. Did you know that your key can damage the ignition? Unfortunately that is the sad truth.
The next time you need a locksmith, make sure you give us a call.
We have many technicians that have the latest training. A locksmith will be to your location within 30 minutes. California Locksmith offers many services We have been helping people for a long time. Our team can improve the safety of your vehicle. California Keys Locksmith can help with boat locks and motorcycle locks.
Anytime you have an issue in the future, don’t wait any longer to give us a call. We strive to offer the best prices in southern California.